Monday, March 31, 2008

Release peyman piran

We have been informed that the life of Mr. Peyman Piran an Iranian Student Activist who from months ago is imprisoned by the Secret Services of the Islamic Republic of Iran; is seriously in danger.Mr. Peyman Piran, who is imprisoned from months ago, has been tolerating brutal tortures of the middle ages forms used in interrogations. His health condition is terribly poor, his right shoulder and leg are badly damaged due to constant hanging of the body, and the beatings. We would like to bring this matter to Iranians and the entire humanitarian organizations' attention. Based on the latest news released by reliable sources three Iranian student activists including Mr. Peyman Piran, Mr. Berooz Karimizadeh, and Mr. Ali Kantoori have been transferred since this morning and are taken from the section 209 of Evin Prison Tehran, Iran to the quarantine section of the same prison.
Please help us prevent another tragedy by the Islamic Republic against the people of Iranian

Release ali kanturi

Arrested student, comrade Ali Kanturi is kept in worst conditions in the concentration camp no 5 salon 3 in Ghezelhesar prison. He is kept in a cell that hardly fits for six, but seven inmates are kept in it. The cell is very dirty and insect infected. cmd. Kanturi is suffering from lung infection and asthma. He was under therapy when he was arrested and the illness has relapsed in the highly infected and dirty conditions of the prison. Despite our serious perseverance, authorities have done nothing to take him to a clinic. He has only been seen by the prison doctor and that happened only ten days ago. Medication was prescribed but nothing has been delivered to him so far. Last Monday comrade kanturi's family visited him in the visitation cabin with the presence of the guards and intelligence officers.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Release behrooz karimizadeh

Dear Comrades,
On the arrival of the new year in Iran some of the Equality and Freedom Seeking University Students are still kept in the notorious Evin prison in Tehran the capital of the country, due to their families' inability to provide the incredibly high bills - US$ 400,000 dollars. The only solution remained for their families is to buy the bills,i.e., to pay one tenth of the amount of the land or house so that the owner let the property be used for that perpose. They could have so far gather about half of the amount. If you happen to be able to help in any way or know someone who may do that please do not hesitate to send your money to the HSBC account introduced in
which is the official site of these students. They are in poor health conditions and the authorities have threatened the families to send their children to the general ward where all different criminals are kept.